Entries from 2019-01-01 to 1 year

Freelance 做自己老闆

Freelancer等於「自己做自己老闆」咁梳乎?而其實Home Office的模糊界線,令freelancer的工時隨時比受僱長,就算可以放假休息,但有近一半自由工作者放假仍在工作。無他,因為一來多勞多得,二來要建立誠信,就要花更多的力氣!打工仔返9放6,freelancer可以…

Workeroom Project

We believe in finding and support the best entrepreneurs across the world that are using technology and the internet to help solve the world's problems.Our goal is to work with the brightest emerging enterprises to awaken innovation across…